74.1. Complete list of On-line Commands

Here below is reported the complete list of available commands on a running Abilis for the SUPERUSER login.

[11:26:53] ABILIS_CPX:??

List of commands allowed for SUPERUSER login:

Alarm operations:
ALARM VIEW           Alarm view
ALARM RESET          Alarm reset

Add operations:
A CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
A CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
A CONTACT            Address Book
A CTIB               CTI channels bundle
A CTICL              CTI cluster
A CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
A CTIG               CTI group
A CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
A CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
A CTIL               CTI link
A CTILG              CTI group of links
A CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
A CTIR               CTI routing
A CTIRE              CTI routing
A CTIRR              CTI routing
A CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
A CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
A DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
A DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
A DNS                DNS server and relay tables
A FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
A GROUP:             Group name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
A HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
A IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
A IPACL              IP Access List
A IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
A IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
A IPR                IP Routing
A IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
A LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
A LCST               Last Calling Number Service table entry
A LIST:              CPX list name
A NAT                NAT alias entry
A OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
A PVC                PVC Connection
A R                  SVC Routing
A RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
A RIP                RIP external route
A USER:              User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
A VRRP               VRRP Routers
A WGB                WG Bridge Routing

Boot operations:
BOOT DEV:            HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]

Clear operations:
C C                  COR connection
C CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
C CL                 CTI incoming/outgoing calls logs
C CODE               Cause and diagnostic codes
C CONTACT            Address Book
C CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
C CTIB               CTI channels bundle
C CTIC               CTI connections
C CTICL              CTI cluster
C CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
C CTIG               CTI group
C CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
C CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
C CTIL               CTI link
C CTILG              CTI group of links
C CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
C CTIR               CTI routing
C CTIRE              CTI routing
C CTIRR              CTI routing
C CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
C CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
C DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
C DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
C DNS                DNS server and relay tables
C FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
C GROUP:             Group entry
C HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
C IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
C IPACL              IP Access List
C IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
C IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
C IPR                IP Routing
C IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
C L                  System Log
C LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
C LCST               Last Calling Number Service table entry
C LDM                Debug Log in Memory
C LDME               Debug Log in Memory
C LE                 Exceptions Log
C LIST:              CPX list name
C NAT                NAT alias entry
C OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
C PVC                PVC Connection
C R                  SVC Routing
C RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
C RIP                RIP external route
C S                  Status and statistics
C SE                 Status and statistics
C USER:              User entry
C VRRP               VRRP Routers
C WGB                WG Bridge Routing

Open a Connection:
CALL CTIP:           CTI port identifier [1..300]
CALL RES:            Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
CALL USER:           User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.

Open a Connection:
CALLTRY CTIP:        CTI port identifier [1..300]
CALLTRY USER:        User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.

CLOSE                Close current CP session.

Configuration management:
CONF BACKUP          Copy configuration to removable disk
CONF GET             Sends the configuration in memory to a remote site
CONF INFO            Display/set configuration notes
CONF PUT             Receives configuration from a remote site
CONF RELOAD          Reload the configuration from a file
CONF RESTORE         Alias of the CONFLOG RESTORE command
CONF SAVE            Alias of the SAVE CONF command(s)
CONF VALIDATE        Alias of the VALIDATE command

Configuration and/or log files backup/restore:
CONFLOG BACKUP       Copy configuration and log files to removable disk
CONFLOG RESTORE      Load configuration files from removable disk

Address Book:
CONTACT LOAD         Import contacts from a CSV file
CONTACT SAVE         Export contact to a CSV file

Display operations:
D ACT                Active HW device/resource/CTI port
D C                  COR Connections status
D CE                 COR Connections extended status
D CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
D CL                 CTI incoming/outgoing calls logs
D CODE               ISDN/X.25 codes descriptions
D CONTACT            Address Book
D CPU                CPU load percentages
D CPUID              CPU identification
D CRKEY              Encryption/Decryption keys
D CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
D CTIB               CTI channels bundle
D CTIC               CTI connections
D CTICE              CTI connections in extended format
D CTICL              CTI cluster
D CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
D CTIG               CTI group
D CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
D CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
D CTIL               CTI link
D CTILG              CTI group of links
D CTIP               CTI port
D CTIP:              CTI port identifier [1..300]
D CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
D CTIPE              CTI port in extended format
D CTIPE:             CTI port identifier [1..300]
D CTIR               CTI routing
D CTIRE              CTI routing in extended format
D CTIRR              CTI routing in reduced format
D CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
D CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
D D                  Diagnostics
D DE                 Diagnostics in extended format
D DESCR              Resource's description
D DEV                Active/inactive hardware devices
D DHCP               DHCP summary/profiles/subnets/hosts
D DNS                DNS server and relay tables
D DS                 Resource diagnostics and statistics
D DSE                Resource diagnostics and statistics in extended format
D FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
D G                  General system parameters
D GROUP              Groups of Users table summary
D GROUP:             Group entry
D GROUPE             Groups of Users table - extended view
D GROUPE:            Group entry - extended view
D HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
D I                  System and files information
D IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
D INACT              Inactive HW device/resource/CTI port
D IPACL              IP Access List
D IPACLE             IP Access List in extended format
D IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
D IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
D IPR                IP Routing
D IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
D IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
D IPSR               IP Source Routing
D ITEM               CPX list items
D LIST               CPX lists
D LIST:              CPX list name
D NAT                NAT alias entry
D OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
D SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
D L                  System Log
D LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
D LCST               Last Calling Number Service table entry
D LDD                Debug Log on Disk
D LDDE               Debug Log on Disk, extended visualization
D LDM                Debug Log in Memory
D LDME               Debug Log in Memory, extended visualization
D LE                 Exceptions Log
D P                  Resource parameters
D PCIDEV             PCI devices
D PREF               Preferences
D PSTACK             Protocol stack
D PVC                PVC Connection
D R                  SVC Routing
D RE                 SVC Routing in extended format
D RIP                RIP external route
D RUN                Running resources/CTI ports/HW devices
D S                  Statistics
D SE                 Statistics in extended format
D T                  System local date, time and time zone
D TE                 System local date, time and time zone, extended format
D TREE               Resources tree
D USBDEV             USB devices
D USER               Users Access Control table summary
D USER:              User entry
D USERE              Users Access Control table - extended view
D USERE:             User entry - extended view
D VER                System and modules versions
D VRRP               VRRP Routers
D WGB                WG Bridge Routing

Debug operations:
DEBUG BM             Display Boot Manager configuration file
DEBUG CPXRUN         Display CPX Run configuration file
DEBUG FILE           File system information and statistics
DEBUG IRQ            Interrupts information and statistics
DEBUG MEM            Memory information and statistics
DEBUG PCIDEV         Display PCI service debug information
DEBUG PO:            CPX port number [0..999]
DEBUG RES:           Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
DEBUG SIMULATE       Simulate an event for debugging purposes
DEBUG TASK           Tasks information and statistics
DEBUG USBDEV         Display USB service debug information
DEBUG WDGMEM         Watchdog memory

Close a Connection:
DISC CTIP:           CTI port identifier [1..300]
DISC RES:            Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
DISC USER:           User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.

Disabling operations:
DISABLE AC           AC connections
DISABLE CTIR         CTI connections

EXIT                 Close current CP session.

Enabling operations:
ENABLE AC            AC connections
ENABLE CTIR          CTI connections

Find operations:
F BRIDGE             Bridge MAC search
F CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) searches
F CONTACT            Address book
F CTIDISA            CTIDISA searches
F CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers search
F CTISIP             CTISIP numbers search
F DNS                DNS searches
F FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
F HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
F IPACL              IP Access List
F LCST               Last Calling Number Service table entry
F LIST:              CPX list name
F LISTE:             CPX list name
F USER               Users Access Control table summary
F USER:              User entry

File copy/delete/get/put operations:
FILE COPY            Make a copy of a file
FILE DELETE          Delete a file
FILE GET             Send a file using XMODEM or XMODEM-1K or ZMODEM
FILE PUT             Receive a file using XMODEM or XMODEM-1K or ZMODEM

Shutdown operation:
HALT SYSTEM          System shutdown

HELP                 Detailed topic help.

Init operations:
INIT CTIH323         Refreshes CTI H.323 Translation table content
INIT CTIG            Unsupported. Use INIT CTIR to refresh entries in CTI groups
INIT CTIR            Refreshes entries in CTI routings, CTIG tables and CTICL list(s)
INIT CTISYS          Refreshes parameters of CTISYS resource (RES:CtiSys) and
               refreshes entries in CTI ports, clusters and LCS groups
INIT IP              Refreshes IP resources and purges queues
INIT IPAD            Refreshes IP Routing Administrative Distances
INIT IPLB            Refreshes IP Load Balancing definitions
INIT IPR             Rebuild IP Routings table
INIT LCSG            Unsupported. Use INIT CTISYS to refresh entries in LCS groups
INIT NAT             Refreshes the static table and clears the dynamic table content
INIT RES:            Refreshes parameters of a resource
INIT USBDEV          Refreshes USB Service

TCP/IP Trace operations:
IPTRACE ACT          Activate TCP/IP trace
IPTRACE CLEAR        Clear the current TCP/IP trace
IPTRACE DISPLAY      Display the current TCP/IP trace
IPTRACE INACT        Deactivate TCP/IP trace
IPTRACE START        Start TCP/IP trace
IPTRACE STOP         Stop TCP/IP trace

Licence operations:
LICENCE COMPARE      Compare ACTIVE licence and STORED licence
LICENCE DISPLAY      Display licences or permissions
LICENCE GET          Download ACTIVE licence or STORED licence file
LICENCE PUT          Upload STORED licence file
LICENCE SET          Enter STORED licence value

Lists operations:
LIST CLEAR           Remove all items from a list
LIST CREATE          Create a list
LIST DELETE          Delete a list
LIST DESCRIPTION     Add/Modify list description
LIST DISPLAY         Display currently configured lists
LIST EDITABLE        Set/Reset list editable flag
LIST RENAME          Modify list name

LOGIN                Log-in operations.

LOGOUT               Log-out operations.

Move operations:
M CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
M CTIR               CTI routing
M CTIRE              CTI routing
M CTIRR              CTI routing
M CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
M IPACL              IP Access List
M NAT                NAT alias entry
M R                  SVC Routing

Voice message service:
MSG ADD              Voice message(s) adding
MSG DELETE           Voice message(s) deleting
MSG DISPLAY          Voice message(s) displaying
MSG EXTRACT          Voice message(s) extracting
MSG REBUILD          Voice message(s) rebuilding
MSG UPDATE           Voice message(s) updating

Active parameter operations:
PAR RES:             Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]

PING                 Ping command.

PINGSTAT             Ping statistics command.

System Restart operations:
RESTART SYSTEM       System restart

Restart operations:
R CTIAC              CTI AC DSP(s)
R PVC                PVC Connection
R RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]

Set operations:
S ACT                Active HW device/resource/CTI port
S CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
S CONTACT            Address Book
S CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
S CTIB               CTI channels bundle
S CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
S CTICL              CTI cluster
S CTIG               CTI group
S CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
S CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
S CTIL               CTI link
S CTILG              CTI group of links
S CTIP               CTI port
S CTIP:              CTI port identifier [1..300]
S CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
S CTIPE              CTI port
S CTIPE:             CTI port identifier [1..300]
S CTIR               CTI routing
S CTIRE              CTI routing
S CTIRR              CTI routing
S CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
S CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
S DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
S DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
S DNS                DNS server and relay tables
S FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
S G                  General system parameters
S GROUP:             Group entry
S GROUPE:            Group entry
S HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
S IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
S INACT              Inactive HW device/resource/CTI port
S IPACL              IP Access List
S IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
S IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
S IPR                IP Routing
S IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
S LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
S NAT                NAT alias entry
S OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
S P                  Resource parameters
S PREF               Preferences
S PVC                PVC Connection
S R                  SVC Routing
S RE                 SVC Routing
S RIP                RIP external route
S S                  Status/Signals
S T                  System local date and/or time
S USER:              User entry
S USERE:             User entry
S VRRP               VRRP Routers
S WGB                WG Bridge Routing

Save operations:
SAVE CONF            Current configuration
SAVE DEBUG           Debug Log on Disk

Shutdown operation:
SHUTDOWN SYSTEM      System shutdown

Sound disable/enable operations:
SOUND DISABLE        Disable alarm sound
SOUND ENABLE         Enable alarm sound

Start real-time logging operations:
START L              System Log
START LDM            Debug Log in Memory
START LDME           Debug Log in Memory, extended visualization

System operations:
SYS COMPACT          Directory re-compacting operation
SYS COMPACTR         Directory re-compacting operation, recursive
SYS DELETE           Delete operations
SYS DIR              List operations
SYS DISK             Disk and Volume management
SYS DISPLAY          Display operations
SYS SET              Set operations
SYS UPDATE           Receive a package or a new disk image and update the system

TERM                 Terminal setting operations.

Testing operations:
TEST DSP             DSPs test
TEST H100            H.100 bus test

Trace operations:
TRACE ACT            Activate trace
TRACE CLEAR          Clear trace
TRACE DELETE         Delete trace file
TRACE DISPLAY        Trace display operations
TRACE GET            Transfer trace
TRACE INACT          Deactivate trace
TRACE PARAM          Trace parameters operations
TRACE SAVE           Save trace on disk
TRACE START          Start trace
TRACE STOP           Stop trace

TRACERT              Trace route command.

TRACEROUTE           Trace route command.

Transfer Calls:
TRANSFER CTIP:       CTI port identifier [1..300]
TRANSFER USER:       User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.

USB devices management:
USBDEV FW            USB device Firmware management

VALIDATE             Current configuration validation.

System warm start operations:
WARM START           System warm start

Exchange HW device configurations and resource subtypes:
X DEV:               List of HW device identifiers joined by ',' character
X RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]

#                    Commands starting with this character will be ignored