32.1. ALARM resource

This resource manages alarms inside Abilis CPX. It permits to send SNMP traps notifications through emails to the configured recipients. Configuring the SMTP and SNMP resources is needed to send emails.

32.1.1. Activating the ALARM resource

Add the resource to the Abilis system with the following command.

[17:32:07] ABILIS_CPX:a res:alarm


The ALARM resource may already exist in the system, but may not yet be active: set it active with the following command.

[17:34:00] ABILIS_CPX:s act res:alarm


You must save the configuration and restart the Abilis to make the resource running (use the command warm start to reboot the Abilis) after adding or setting the ALARM active.

[17:35:45] ABILIS_CPX:s p alarm act:yes


[17:35:51] ABILIS_CPX:d p alarm

RES:Alarm - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) -----------------------
Run    DESCR:Alarms_manager
       LOG:NO        ACT:YES            fifo-size:100    
       MAIL-FROM:AUTO (alarm@abilis_cpx)
       SMS-SENDER:CP-PI             SMS-CDO:#

Execute the initialization command init alarm to activate the changes made on the upper case parameters; use save conf and warm start commands to set active the changes made on the lowercase parameters.

32.1.2. ALARM resource parameters

Use the command below to display the parameters of the resource; the d p alarm ? command shows the meaning of parameters.

[17:42:10] ABILIS_CPX:d p alarm

RES:Alarm ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Alarms_manager
       LOG:NO        ACT:YES            fifo-size:100    
       MAIL-FROM:AUTO (alarm@abilis_cpx)
       SMS-SENDER:CP-PI             SMS-CDO:#

Meaning of the parameters:


State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E] (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm; T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes).


Operation activation [NO, YES].


Notifications fifo size [10..500].


Sender of e-mail. "SYS" or "AUTO" or a valid e-mail address. - SYS: the mail sender configured in CXGEN 'MAIL-SENDER' is used; - AUTO: a fixed value is used (e.g. alarm@<cp-prompt>); - e-mail address: from 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters.


Default e-mail recipient(s). "#" or up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.


Default e-mail body type [STANDARD, SMS-LIKE]


Text to be used as sender in SMS messages [CP-PI, SYSNAME, R-ID], where: CP-PI: is the current value of Control Port 'PI' parameter; SYSNAME: is the current value of General 'SYSNAME' parameter; R-ID: is the current value of IP Router 'R-ID' parameter.


Default Outgoing called number for SMS. "#" or up to 20 digits optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.

The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:

s p alarm parameter:value...


Execute the initialization command init alarm to activate the changes made on the upper case parameters; use save conf and warm start commands to set active the changes made on the lowercase parameters.

32.1.3. The ALARM table

The alarm table contains the rules to monitor Abilis resources. The table can store up to 20 rules ordered by the ID parameter. Displaying the ALARM Table (D ALARM)

This command shows the alarm table. If ID is omitted, the command shows all routings.

[16:45:15] ABILIS_CPX:_d alarm
    |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |MONITOR: |ACTION:
    |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-PIN:   |DISA-SERVICE:
    |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
0    YES      Ip-3                            TRAP      MAIL
     - MAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------

Meaning of parameters:


Identifier of Alarms management rule [0..19]


Enable/disable this entry usage [NO, YES]. Default is NO.


Resource for which the alarm/event is monitored. "#" or "*" or "type-nnn" or "type-*" or "CtiP-nnn" or "CtiP-*" or the name of a CPX resources list between single . Default is #.


Input/output line for which the alarm/event is monitored. "#" or - "D-IN-n", where 'n' can be - for GPIO Digital IN line, [1..64, *]; - for MFIO Digital IN line, [1..7, *]; - "D-OUT-n", where 'n' can be - for GPIO Digital OUT line, [1..64, *]; - for MFIO Digital OUT line, [1..7, *]; - "A-IN-n", where 'n' can be [1..16, *], for GPIO Analog IN line; - "A-OUT-n", where 'n' can be [1..16, *], for GPIO Analog OUT line; <Only for Gpio/MfIo resources>


Alarm/event to be monitored [NONE, TRAP, ALARM-ON, ALARM-OFF, ALARM-*, ON, OFF, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, *] 'TRAP', 'ALARM-ON', 'ALARM-OFF' are allowed only for IO equal to #; 'TRAP' is allowed only for ACTION not equal to DISA-CB; 'ON', 'OFF', '*' are allowed only for Digital lines; 'LOW', 'NORMAL', 'HIGH', '*' are allowed only for Analog lines.


Action to be executed when the monitored alarm/event occurs [NONE, MAIL, DISA-CB, SMS]. Values can be joined using "," operator. 'DISA-CB' is allowed only for MONITOR equal to ALARM-ON or equal to ALARM-OFF.


E-mail recipient(s). "SYS" or "#" or up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved. (Only for ACTION:MAIL). Default is <empty>.


TXT list of e-mail recipients [#, ListName] (Only for ACTION:MAIL). Default is <empty>.


E-mail body type [SYS, STANDARD, SMS-LIKE] (Only for ACTION:MAIL)


Outgoing called number for SMS. "SYS" or "#" or up to 20 digits optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or the name of an IN list between single quotes (e.g. 'mylist') (Only for ACTION:SMS)


Name of an existing CtiDisa user for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 16 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved. (Only for ACTION:DISA-CB)


User Personal Identification Number for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 12 digits ['0'..'9']. (Only for ACTION:DISA-CB)


Name of an existing CtiDisa service for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 16 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved. (Only for ACTION:DISA-CB)


Outgoing called number for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 20 digits optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. (Only for ACTION:DISA-CB)


Outgoing calling number for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 20 digits optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. (Only for ACTION:DISA-CB) Adding an ALARM (A ALARM)

This command adds a new alarm to the table with ID:xx, setting the indicated parameters to the specified values. Unspecified parameters are set to default values. The table can store up to 10 rules, so the ID parameter must be in the range [0...9].

[18:06:34] ABILIS_CPX:a alarm id:0 enabled:yes monitor:trap res:* action:mail mail-rcpt:alarms@mydomain.com


[18:09:03] ABILIS_CPX:d alarm id:0

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
    |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |MONITOR: |ACTION:
    |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-PIN:   |DISA-SERVICE:
    |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
0    YES      *                  #            TRAP      MAIL
     - MAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------

To activate the changes made on the ALARM table, execute the initialization command init alarm. Remember to save the configuration (save conf). Adding an ALARM for a specified resource

This command adds a new alarm to the alarm table only for resource TRFA.

[18:06:34] ABILIS_CPX:a alarm id:1 enabled:yes monitor:trap res:trfa action:mail mail-rcpt:alarms@mydomain.com


[18:09:03] ABILIS_CPX:d alarm id:1

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
    |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |MONITOR: |ACTION:
    |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-PIN:   |DISA-SERVICE:
    |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
1    YES      TRFA               #            TRAP      MAIL
     - MAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------

To activate the changes made on the ALARM table, execute the initialization command init alarm. Remember to save the configuration (save conf).


To configure a TRFA Trap, refer to: Section 43.2, “TRFA Traps” Deleting an ALARM (C ALARM)

It clears the alarm with the specified ID.

[18:33:33] ABILIS_CPX:d alarm

    |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |MONITOR: |ACTION:
    |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-PIN:   |DISA-SERVICE:
    |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
0    YES      *                  #            TRAP      MAIL
     - MAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------

[18:33:36] ABILIS_CPX:c alarm id:0


[18:34:00] ABILIS_CPX:d alarm

    |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |MONITOR: |ACTION:
    |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-PIN:   |DISA-SERVICE:
    |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
                         *** ALARM TABLE IS EMPTY ***    

To activate the changes made on the ALARM table, execute the initialization command init alarm. Remember to save the configuration (save conf). Modifying the ALARM Table (S ALARM)

This command sets the parameters of the rule identified by “ID:xx” to their new values. The syntax of the command is: s alarm id:xxx [par:value].

[18:38:54] ABILIS_CPX:d alarm

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
    |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |MONITOR: |ACTION:
    |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-PIN:   |DISA-SERVICE:
    |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
2    NO       *                  #            TRAP      MAIL
     - MAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------

[18:38:58] ABILIS_CPX:s alarm id:2 enabled:yes


[18:41:42] ABILIS_CPX:d alarm

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
    |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |MONITOR: |ACTION:
    |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-PIN:   |DISA-SERVICE:
    |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
2    YES      *                  #            TRAP      MAIL
     - MAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------

To activate the changes made on the ALARM table, execute the initialization command init alarm. Remember to save the configuration (save conf).

32.1.4. ALARM diagnostic and statistics ALARM diagnostic

The following command is used to display the diagnostics of the ALARM resource:

d d alarm

it shows the state of the resource (STATE), the number of current rules(RULES-CUR),the number of active rules(RULES-ACT), the number of notifications inside the FIFO (FIFO-CUR), the maximum number of notifications inside the FIFO (FIFO-PEAK), the maximum number of notifications which can be managed by the FIFO (FIFO-MAX).

[12:13:10] ABILIS_CPX:d d alarm

RES:Alarm ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       RULES-CUR:5      RULES-ACT:2      RULES-MAX:20     
       FIFO-CUR:0       FIFO-PEAK:15     FIFO-MAX:100 ALARM statistics

The following commands are used to display the statistics of the ALARM resource:

d s alarm

it shows the statistics of the ALARM resource like: the number of received notifications (ALARM), the number of notifications successfully inserted in the FIFO (ALARM-SUCC), the number of notifications not inserted in the FIFO because the it's full (ALARM-OVR), the number of notifications not inserted in the FIFO for any other reason(ALARM-FAIL), the number of trap notifications extracted from FIFO (TRAP), the number of sent mails (MAIL), the number of successfully sent mails (Succ.), the number of mails (Fail) whose sending is failed, the number of DISA CallBack (DISA-CB),the number of sent SMS(SMS).

[12:14:52] ABILIS_CPX:d s alarm

RES:Alarm ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 2 days 22:44:54 ago, on 24/04/2015 at 13:54:25 -------------
       ALARM      |         28|         28|ALARM-OVR  |          0|           |
       ALARM-SUCC |         28|         28|ALARM-FAIL |          0|          0|
       Monitor    |   Succ.   |   Fail    |   Total   |
       TRAP       |          0|          0|          0|
       ALARM-ON   |          0|          0|          0|
       ALARM-OFF  |          0|          0|          0|
       ON         |          0|          0|          0|
       OFF        |         28|          0|         28|
       LOW        |          0|          0|          0|
       NORMAL     |          0|          0|          0|
       HIGH       |          0|          0|          0|
       Action     |   Succ.   |   Fail    |   Total   |
       MAIL       |          0|          0|          0|
       DISA-CB    |          0|          0|          0|
       SMS        |          0|          0|          0|