50.3. CTIDISA tables

50.3.1. CTIDISA Service table

The CtiDisa Service Table can be managed with these commands:

  • d ctidisa service: displays the complete table;

  • d ctidisa service:<name>: displays the parameters of the specified service;

  • a ctidisa service:<name> [par:val]: adds a new service in the table;

  • c ctidisa service:<name>: clears the specified service in the table;

  • s ctidisa service:<name> [par:val]: sets the configuration of the specified service.

The d ctidisa service ? command shows the meaning of parameters.

[12:02:51] ABILIS_CPX:d ctidisa service

Total number of services:1

SERVICE:Default           DESCR:System_default_service
  MODE:        DISA                   |INTRO-STATE:   CREQ  |INTRO:    
  ROUTING:     PREFIX                 |CONN-DELAY:    6     |WELCOME:  
  MAX-CALLS:   NOMAX                  |PC-OFFER:      *     |INITDIAL: 
  BC:          Speech                 |TRANSFER:      NO    |AFTERPIN: #
  CB:          NO                     |                     |LOOPDIAL: 
  CB-DELAY:    5                      |DIAL-TOUT:     30    |IDENFAIL: 
  CB-NRTY:     1                      |PIN-TOUT:      15    |CALLNA:   
  CB-UNK-CDO:  'CGI'                  |NUM-TOUT:      15    |ALERT:    
  CB-NAT-CDO:  0'CGI'                 |BUSYDISC:      4     |BUSY:     
  CB-INT-CDO:  00'CGI'                |LOOP-BUSY:     YES   |NOANSWER: 
  CB-CGO:      #                      |LOOP-NOANSWER: YES   |DISC:     
  CTIP-TYPE-O: *                      |LOOP-DENIED:   YES   |HOLD:     
  AUTO-CDO:    #                      |LOOP-OTHER:    YES   |BYE:      #
  TOUT-CDO:    #                      |MAX-LOOPS:     0     
  PERMIT:      *                      
  CDI:         -                      
  CGI:         -

The Default service is automatically created by the system. It's assigned to the calls which doesn't match with other configured services; default values can be edited, except CDI and CGI fields.

Meaning of the most important parameters:


Operational mode [DISA: the behaviour is the standard DISA behaviour; ACD: the Automatic Call Distribution is enabled; INTRO: the behaviour is that of a “responder” for not-paid messages; DATA-CB: the behaviour is that of ordering a CALL request to the specified resource and reject the call; APP: the behaviour is that the service is interfaced with an application. At this moment only SCRIPT resource can use this mode for applications written in LUA.].


Routing type for outgoing calls [PREFIX; EN-BLOC].


Maximum number of simultaneous calls allowed to this service.


Bearer Capability in outgoing calls [AUTO, Speech, 3.1Khz].

Refer to B-CHANNEL to have more information,


Enables/disables the Call Back.


Time between the end of the incoming call and the Call Back call by the DISA.


Maximum number of Call Back attempts.


Call Back number for UNKNOWN type.


Call Back number for NATIONAL type.


Call Back number for INTERNATIONAL type.


CTIP type for outgoing calls.


Automatic Called Number; if service matches and this field isn't null, the number configured here is automatically dialled (any other digit entered by the user is discarded).


Permitted called number/prefixes.


Incoming Called number that can be used at pre-identification. If it's set to DISABLED [#], the pre-identification is performed using calling number.


List of calling numbers that can be used at pre-identification to find the user. Use - prefix to delete from the list a calling number previously inserted (e.g. “-123456”): several calling numbers can be set joining values by the character , (e.g. “CGI:1234,5555,-77777”). This field isn't allowed for the Anonymous user and it's possible to set up to 2000 numbers.


Sub-service assigned on the base of called number of the "out" call.

Sequence of two values separated by ':' (colon) e.g.: 'num:name', where:

- 'num' is the number i.e. a sequence of max. 20 characters in the range [0..9, *] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or the name of an IN/RU/MR list between single quotes. The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character.

- 'name' is the sub-service name, i.e. string of max. 16 characters. Spaces, '&', ':' and ',' are not allowed. Case is preserved. (E.g.: "555:Support" or "ux376*:Responder" or "'list':Tools")

Use '-' prefix to delete a sub-service (E.g. "-123:SubServ"). Several sub-services can be set joining values by ','. (E.g. "111:SubServ1,-222:SubServ2,-'sublist':SubServ3"). Setting SUB-SERVICE to "#" will delete all sub-services defined for the service.

Among all services it's possible to configure up to 128 sub-services. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. <Only for MODE:DISA/ACD>


Sets the duration of ALERTING state for incoming calls to DISA (i.e. the time between the reception of the call and the response by the DISA).


Precedence Call Priority Level used when making the "out" call [*, 0..4], where:

- "*", same precedence as "in" call.

- 0..4, with precedence set according to the parameter (Value 0 means highest priority).

<Only for MODE:DISA/ACD>


Enables/disables call transfer after outgoing call is established; this function is inhibited when in the service ACD is active.


Enables/disables the Automatic Call Distribution.


Time interval in which a call in a queue tries to verify if the currently ACTIVE call gets disconnected.


Maximum time to wait for the insertion of the first digit in post-selection (during INITDIAL).


Maximum time to wait for the insertion of the first digit of the PIN.


Maximum time to wait to complete the insertion of the number in post-selection.


Duration of the played BUSY and DISC CtiSys tone.


Maximum number of loop enabled [0-99: when the ACD is set to YES, this value is automatically set to 99 and it isn't editable].


Enables/disables the loop when the reason of a call failure is “user busy” (cause 0x91).


Enables/disables the loop when the reason of a call failure is “user not responding, user alerted” (cause 0x93).


Enables/disables the loop when the reason of a call failure is “selection not allowed for the user” (in this kind of error the call was not sent to CTIR).


Enables/disables the loop for reasons other than those precisely recognised (e.g. non-existent routing).


Used to set the disconnect cause after the INTRO message has been played. This is useful for setting up alternative routings. (Only for MODE:INTRO).


Refer to Section 50.8.1, “File audio format” to have more inforamations about these parameters.

50.3.2. CTIDISA User table

The CTIDISA User Table can be managed with these commands:

  • d ctidisa user: displays the complete table;

  • d ctidisa user:<name>: displays the parameters of the specified user;

  • a ctidisa user:<name> [par:val]: adds a new user in the table;

  • c ctidisa user:<name>: clears the specified user in the table;

  • s ctidisa user:<name> [par:val]: sets the configuration of the specified user.

The d ctidisa user ? command shows the meaning of parameters.

[10:47:14] ABILIS_CPX:d ctidisa user

Total number of users:1

  PIN:     #                |MAX-CALLS: NOMAX |PERMIT: SERVICE
  SERVICE: AUTO             |CB:        NO    |DENY:   *
  CGI:   -

The Anonymous user is automatically created by the system; it identifies all the callers not configured in others users.

Meaning of the most important parameters:


Personal Identification Number code assigned to the user; if it's set to #, the user is identified only by its calling number.


Service name assigned to the user; if it's set to AUTO, the service discovered at the pre-identification phase is used.


Maximum number of simultaneous calls allowed to the user.


Enable/disable Call Back [NO, YES].


Permitted called numbers/prefixes. From 1 up to 20 characters in the range ['0'..'9', '*'] or "#" optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or "SERVICE" or the name of an IN list between single quotes. The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character. (E.g. # or ne# or 1234567 or 4567* or * or 'my_list')


Denied called numbers/prefixes. From 1 up to 20 characters in the range ['0'..'9', '*'] or "#" optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or the name of an IN list between single quotes. The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character. (E.g. # or ne# or 1234567 or 4567* or * or 'my_list') See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.


List of calling numbers that can be used at pre-identification to find the user. Use - prefix to delete from the list a calling number previously inserted (e.g. “-123456”): several calling numbers can be set joining values by the character , (e.g. “CGI:1234,5555,-77777”). Setting CGI to "#" will delete all incoming calling numbers defined for the user. This field isn't allowed for the Anonymous user and it's possible to set up to 2000 numbers.