72.17. How to configure CTIDISA to implement a responder

The first step to follow is to prepare the sound files to be played by DISA. More information are in the section Section 50.8, “Message files”.

72.17.1. Implementing a responder using MODE:INTRO


  • Ports 33 and 34 are connected to ISDN lines (099993 - 0999994).

  • Ports 33 and 34 belong to group G2.

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

a res:ctidisa


s act res:ctidisa

Add the CTIDISA resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p ctidisa act:yesEnable the CTIDISA runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s p ctidisa restricted-calling:noAccept calls also from calling numbers that aren't present in CTIDISA USERs CGI.
a ctidisa service:responderCreate a service named “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder mode:introSet mode:intro for the service “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder cdi:20Set the incoming called number to be used in pre-identification to find the service.
s ctidisa service:responder intro:responder_soundSet the name of the message group from which the message must be taken equal to “responder_sound”.
init res:ctidisaInitialize the CTIDISA resource.
save confSave the configuration.

CTI routing configuration:

a ctir pr:1 poi:g2 out:disa cdi:09999? cdo:20 ti1:sa+su,00:00-23:59Add a CTI rule to route a call incoming from an ISDN line to DISA only on Saturday and Sunday.
init ctirInitialize the CTIR resource.
save confSave the configuration.

Phone calls incoming on ISDN lines don't reach any phone on Saturday and Sunday.


MODE:INTRO may not work! It depends on your operator.

72.17.2. Implementing a responder using MODE:DISA


  • Ports 33 and 34 are connected to ISDN lines (099993 - 0999994).

  • Ports 33 and 34 belong to group G2.

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

a res:ctidisa


s act res:ctidisa

Add the CTIDISA resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p ctidisa act:yesEnable the CTIDISA runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s p ctidisa restricted-calling:noAccept calls also from calling numbers that aren't present in CTIDISA USERs CGI.
a ctidisa service:responderCreate a service named “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder mode:disaSet mode:disa for the service “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder cdi:20Set the incoming called number to be used in pre-identification to find the service.
s ctidisa service:responder initdial:responder_soundSet the name of the message group from which the message INITDIAL must be taken.
s ctidisa service:responder callna:responder_soundSet the name of the message group from which the message CALLNA must be taken.
s ctidisa service:responder permit:#Set the permitted called numbers to none.
init res:ctidisaInitialize the CTIDISA resource.
save confSave the configuration.

CTI routing configuration:

a ctir pr:1 poi:g2 out:disa cdi:09999? cdo:20 ti1:sa+su,00:00-23:59Add a CTI rule to route a call incoming from an ISDN line to DISA only on Saturday and Sunday.
init ctirInitialize the CTIR resource.
save confSave the configuration.

Phone calls incoming on ISDN lines don't reach any phone on Saturday and Sunday.


A possible optimization is to set the service parameter DIAL-TOUT=CONN-DELAY+Duration of sound message.

72.17.3. Getting a call on phones while the responder is active


  • Ports 33 and 34 are connected to ISDN lines (099993 - 0999994).

  • Ports 33 and 34 belong to group G2.

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

a res:ctidisa


s act res:ctidisa

Add the CTIDISA resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p ctidisa act:yesEnable the CTIDISA runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s p ctidisa restricted-calling:noAccept calls also from calling numbers that aren't present in CTIDISA USERs CGI.
a ctidisa service:responderCreate a service named “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder mode:disaSet mode:disa for the service “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder cdi:20Set the incoming called number to be used in pre-identification to find the service.
s ctidisa service:responder initdial:responder_soundSet the name of the message group from which the message INITDIAL must be taken.
s ctidisa service:responder callna:responder_soundSet the name of the message group from which the message CALLNA must be taken.
s ctidisa service:responder alert:responder_soundSet the name of the message group from which the message ALERT must be taken.
s ctidisa service:responder permit:500Set the permitted called numbers to 500.
s ctidisa service:responder auto-cdo:500Set the automatically called number to 500.
s ctidisa user:anonymous permit:service deny:*Set user's permissions.
init res:ctidisaInitialize the CTIDISA resource.
save confSave the configuration.

CTI routing configuration:

a ctir pr:1 poi:g2 out:disa cdi:09999? cdo:20 ti1:sa+su,00:00-23:59Add a CTI rule to route a call incoming from an ISDN line to DISA only on Saturday and Sunday.
a ctir pr:2 poi:disa out:pbx cdi:500Add a CTI rule to route a call from DISA to a pots phone whose number is 500.
init ctirInitialize the CTIR resource.
save confSave the configuration.

Phone calls incoming on ISDN lines don't reach any phone on Saturday and Sunday.


A possible optimization is to set the service parameter DIAL-TOUT=CONN-DELAY+Duration of sound message.

72.17.4. Implementing a responder using MODE:ACD with 3 post selection


  • 3 Departments (Administrative, Commercial, Technical);

  • Calls arriving from Clusters;

  • The Administrative Department has the number 35;

  • The Commercial Department has the numbers 21, 24 , 27 belonging to the group G3;

  • The Technical Department has the numbers 16, 13, 14 belonging to the group G4.

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

a res:ctidisa


s act res:ctidisa

Add the CTIDISA resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p ctidisa act:yesEnable the CTIDISA runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s p ctidisa restricted-calling:noAccept calls also from calling numbers that aren't present in CTIDISA USERs CGI.
a ctidisa service:responderCreate a service named “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder mode:acdSet mode:acd for the service “responder”.
s ctidisa service:responder cdi:20Set the incoming called number to be used in pre-identification to find the service.
s ctidisa service:responder initdial:responder_soundSet the name of the message group from which the message INITDIAL must be taken.
s ctidisa service:responder conn-delay:2Set the duration of ALERTING state for incoming calls.
s ctidisa user:anonymous permit:service deny:#Set user's permissions.
save confSave the configuration.
init res:ctidisaInitialize the CTIDISA resource.

CTI routing configuration:

a ctir pr:1 sr:* out:disa cdi:* cdo:20

Add a CTI rule to route a call incoming from Clusters to DISA.
a ctir pr:2 poi:disa out:102 cdi:1Add a CTI rule to route a call from DISA to a POTS phone whose number is 35 when you press 1 for Administrative Department.
a ctir pr:3 poi:disa out:g3 cdi:2Add a CTI rule to route a call from DISA to a POTS group G3 when you press 2 for Comercial Department.
a ctir pr:4 poi:disa out:g4 cdi:3Add a CTI rule to route a call from DISA to a POTS group G4 when you press 3 for Technical Department.
save confSave the configuration.
init ctirInitialize the CTIR resource.