75.9. UMTS Box

75.9.1. How can I improve the quality of the calls with UMTS Box?

To ensure high quality for calls with UMTS Box, it's needed to verify that:

  1. The Silence Compression isn't enabled (SC:NO in the setting of CTISYS resource, or if SC:NO in the CTI Routings that are used by the UMTS BOX).

  2. The GSM/UMTS signal (SIGNAL parameter) is sufficient; to show the available signal, type the d d ctip:<xxx> command, where <xxx> is the number of the CTIP port associated to the SIM card that you want to monitor.

    [19:03:49] ABILIS_CPX:d d ctip:501
    CTIP:501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
           USER:#                                 OPSTATE:UP          STATE:UP
           CH: STATE: [Q932-STATE:] CG: [SG:]               CD: [SD:]              
                             *** All channels disconnected ***                   
           NET:WIND                NET-MODE:GSM            ROAMING:NO
           SIGNAL:11               SIGNAL-dbm:-91          RXQUAL:0
           IMEI:357396012641537    IMSI:222881672196219    SIM:8939880367011211389
           SMSC:+393205858500      CODEC-ISO-BW:1304000    SIM-SEL:FIX-SIM-A
           CELL-MODEL:SIM5210      CELL-VER:V1.92          CELL-FEAT:VOICE,DATA,SMS

    Signal ranges (the maximum value is 30):

    • 0-10: the signal isn't sufficient; the UMTS Box doesn't work correctly.

    • 11-13: the signal is low; the UMTS Box can have some problems.

    • 14-20: the signal is good.

    • 20-30: the signal is high and the UMTS Box works correctly.

  3. DJ:0 and MJ:80 in the CTIR routing used by UMTS Box in order to reduce the delays of packets.


It's possible to increase the call volume setting the CELL-GAIN-IN and CELL-GAIN-OUT parameter in the CTISYS resource.

       - CELL (GSM/UMTS) defaults ---------------------------------------------
       CELL-GAIN-IN:0               CELL-GAIN-OUT:0             pdn-rxbuf:30
       CELL-CODEC-GAIN-IN:0         CELL-CODEC-GAIN-OUT:0         
       - HDLC -----------------------------------------------------------------

75.9.2. How does Abilis manage the PIN code of a SIM card?

It's possible to set the PIN code of a SIM card in the PIN parameter of its related CTIP port.

[19:10:24] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctipe:501

CTIP:501 DESCR:SIM_320-0666666
Act     card:CELL32-1<1>              USER:#
Run     OPSTATE:UP        LOG:DS                               TYPE:NET-PUBLIC
        signalling:CELL                 HOLD:NO      
        NUM:*                           ADDRBOOK-NUM:NUM
        CDO:#                           SIM-SEL:SIM-A     
        NET-MODE:GSM      NET-SEL:AUTO       NET:
        HOLD-ENABLE-LIST:#                   DIAL-IN-LIST:#
        LOOP:NO           PIN:1234      GAIN-IN:SYS      CODEC-GAIN-IN:SYS
        DIALT:5           PIN2:#        GAIN-OUT:SYS     CODEC-GAIN-OUT:SYS

If you change the position of the SIM card in the UMTS Box, you must modify the PIN parameter in the CTIP port.

It's ALWAYS better to remove the PIN code from the SIM card because Abilis inserts it into the SIM for each init ctisys command.

In order to avoid that the SIM card gets blocked, Abilis can insert the PIN code for maximum 2 times. If the value in the PIN parameter is changed with another one wrong, the card gets blocked.

To unlock the SIM card, it's needed to insert the PUK code using the following DEBUG command:

debug res:ctisys cmd:l1pxxxtkyyyyyyyy lsn:254, where xxx is the number of the CTIP port and yyyyyyyy is the PUK code (PUK code has to be always a 8 digit number).

The entering of PUK code, takes some time, so the CP response isn't immediate. The response then should be:

[19:12:02] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctisys cmd:l1p501tk12345678 lsn:254

RES:CtiSys --------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:63      Date/Time:05/06/2015 08:41:00 TraceTime:58954168

PUK code 12345678 sent into the GSM module.
 New PIN is 1234