24.1. IPBAN service

This service can be enabled for TELNET, SSH, SIP, IAX, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, FTP, to prevent brute force attacks by blocking an IP address which persists in authentication failures.

It also permits to send an email to the configured recipient when the limit is reached.

The IPBAN resource puts in the blacklist the source IP address that has generated a number of authentication failures (for example, username and / or password of FTP access).

If an IP fails to authenticate MAX-NRTY times, within FIND-TIME minutes the error condition is reached and if IP not present in WHITE-LIST, then if ACTION:MAIL an email is sent to MAIL-RCPT and MAIL-RCPT-LIST , and if ACTION:BLOCK the IP is banned for BAN-TIME minutes.

A simplest explanation would be: The IPBAN resource puts in the blacklist the source IP address that has generated a number of authentication failures (for example, username and / or password of FTP access). Until the IP address is in the blacklist, it will inhibit access to the considered resource.

Configuring the SMTP resource is needed to send emails.


The IBAN is a service to be configured carefully, if errors are present, may not have access to Abilis!


The blacklist is cleared when you restart the Abilis.


The SMTP resource requires a separate licence in CPX.

24.1.1. IPBAN service parameters

This service is enabled by default for Abilis.

Use the following command to display the parameters of the service; the command d ipban ? displays the meaning of all parameters.

[11:35:17] ABILIS_CPX:d ipban

- IP Addresses banning settings: ----------------------------------------------

- IP Addresses Banning services defaults: -------------------------------------
ACTION:NONE         MAX-NRTY:10     FIND-TIME:10       BAN-TIME:10     

- IP Addresses Banning services settings: -------------------------------------
Telnet   | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
Ssh      | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
CtiSip   | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
CtiIax   | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
Smtp     | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
Pop3     | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
Http     | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
Ftp      | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       
CtiVo    | DFT        | DFT       | DFT        | DFT       | DFT       

Meaning of the most important parameters:

IP Addresses banning parameter(s):


Ban list capacity [100..5000]


Sender of e-mail. "SYS" or "AUTO" or a valid e-mail address.

- SYS: the mail sender configured in CXGEN 'MAIL-SENDER' is used;

- AUTO: a fixed value is used (e.g. ipban@<cp-prompt>);

- e-mail address: from 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces aren't allowed. Case is preserved.


E-mail recipient(s). "#" or up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces aren't allowed. Case is preserved.


E-mail recipients list. "#" or the name of a TXT list.


Filtering interval for e-mail [NO, 1..65534 min.]


E-mail body type [STANDARD, SMS-LIKE]


Action to be executed [NONE: No action has to be executed; BLOCK: Block the IP; MAIL: E-mail must be sent.]. Values can be joined using "," operator.


Number of authentication failure attempts before the IP address is put in banned list [1..255]


Time interval within which the maximum number of attempts is valid [1..120 min.]


How long an IP address is kept in the banned list [NOMAX, 1..10080 min.]


The service will not ban a host which matches an address in the list. "#" or the name of a IP/IR/RU/MR list.

IP Addresses banning service(s) parameter(s):


Action to be executed [DFT: The default configured action; NONE: No action has to be executed; BLOCK: Block the IP; MAIL: E-mail must be sent.] Values can be joined using "," operator.


Number of authentication failure attempts before the IP address is put in banned list [1..255]


Time interval within which the maximum number of attempts is valid [DFT, 1..120 min.]


How long an IP address is kept in the banned list [DFT, NOMAX, 1..10080 min.]


The service will not ban a host which matches an address in the list. "DFT" or "#" or the name of a IP/IR/RU/MR list.

The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:

S IPBAN par:val [par:val] Set IP Addresses banning parameters and defaults

S IPBAN RES:val par:val [par:val] Set IP Addresses banning service(s) parameters


To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init ipban

Use the following command to display the Banned IP

[12:23:44] ABILIS_CPX:d ipban banned

Banned IP addresses:1

RES      |       IP        | Banned Time (mm:ss) | Remaining Time (mm:ss)
Ssh   10:0                  9:23  

In this example is show IP which is blocked for resource SSH for 10 minutes.


The blacklist is cleared when you restart the Abilis.

To erase an IP from the blacklist use the following command:

[12:22:38] ABILIS_CPX:c ipban banned res:ssh ip:


[12:22:54] ABILIS_CPX:d ipban banned                             

Banned IP addresses:0

RES      |       IP        | Banned Time (mm:ss) | Remaining Time (mm:ss)
                    *** NO BANNED IP ADDRESSES ***  

24.1.2. IPBAN diagnostics and statistics

The following command is used to display the diagnostics of IPBAN :

[12:51:21] ABILIS_CPX:d d ipban

Name                  |Value
Total used memory     |124000
Item size             |124
MAX-ITEMS             |1000
CUR-FREE              |999
CUR-USED              |1
PEAK-USED             |1
OVERFLOWS             |0

RES:                  |BANNED-IP-ENTRIES
Telnet                |1
Ssh                   |0
CtiSip                |0
CtiIax                |0
Smtp                  |0
Pop3                  |0
Http                  |0
Ftp                   |0
CtiVo                 |0
TOTAL                 |1

The following command is used to display the statistics of IPBAN :

[12:59:56] ABILIS_CPX:d s ipban

--- Cleared 0 days 21:32:16 ago, on 20/05/2015 at 15:27:49 --------------------
Telnet     |         21|         39|          0|          0|
Ssh        |         10|         18|          0|          0|
CtiSip     |          0|          0|          0|          0|
CtiIax     |          0|          0|          0|          0|
Smtp       |          0|          0|          0|          0|
Pop3       |          0|          0|          0|          0|
Http       |          0|         35|          0|          0|
Ftp        |          0|          0|          0|          0|
CtiVo      |          0|          0|          0|          0|
TOTAL      |         31|         92|          0|          0|