42.3. POEAC diagnostics and statistics

42.3.1. POEAC diagnostics

The following commands are used to display the diagnostics of the POEAC resource:

d d poeac / d de poeac

Shows diagnostic information of the POEAC resource (the status of the resource, the number of current sessions, the number of maximum sessions available, etc.) and the diagnostics of the POEAC sessions (the status of the session, the remote MAC address, the time time since session was connected., etc.).

[15:53:04] ABILIS_CPX:d d poeac

RES:PoeAc-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       -- Session diagnostics -------------------------------------------------
       SESNUM: RESOURCE:  STATE:        CLI-MAC:            SES-ID:  CONN-TIME:
       001     Ip-103     DISCONNECTED  00-13-D4-A1-4B-34   000A     0
       002                DISCONNECTED  00-00-00-00-00-00   0000     0

42.3.2. POEAC statistics

The following commands are used to display the statistics of the POEAC resource:

d s poeac

Shows the statistics of the POEAC resource such as the number of successful connection establishments with this Access Concentrator, the total number of attempts a connection was tried, but failed, the total data bytes received/sent, the total system bytes received/sent, etc.)

d se poeac

Shows the statistics of the POEAC resource and the statistics of each session.

[15:53:05] ABILIS_CPX:d s poeac

RES:PoeAc-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 10 days 18:26:47 ago, on 16/04/2015 at 19:42:52 ------------
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       CHAR-PPP   |   18690834|  506607701|CHAR-SYS   |       2064|       1896|
       PCK-PPP    |     207524|     372641|PCK-SYS    |         32|         32|
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |LOST-SYS   |          0|           |
       BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |IGNORED    |          0|           |
       BAD-LEN    |          0|           |TAG-ERROR  |           |          0|
       UNK-PROT   |          0|           |SES-FULL   |          0|           |
[15:59:02] ABILIS_CPX:d se poeac
RES:PoeAc-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 10 days 18:29:44 ago, on 16/04/2015 at 19:42:52 ------------
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       CHAR-PPP   |   18690834|  506607701|CHAR-SYS   |       2064|       1896|
       PCK-PPP    |     207524|     372641|PCK-SYS    |         32|         32|
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |LOST-SYS   |          0|           |
       BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |IGNORED    |          0|           |
       BAD-LEN    |          0|           |TAG-ERROR  |           |          0|
       UNK-PROT   |          0|           |SES-FULL   |          0|           |
       -- Session statistics --------------------------------------------------
       SESNUM:001  RESOURCE:Ip-103               
       CHAR-PPP   |     450495|    3828997|PCK-PPP    |       2842|       3667| 
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |
       SESNUM:002  RESOURCE:               
       CHAR-PPP   |          0|          0|PCK-PPP    |          0|          0|
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |