47.3. CTI Group

CTI ports, resources and other groups can be grouped to simplify the routing management; groups created can be used in the CTI Routings Table.

47.3.1. CTI Ports Group

Use the following commands to manage the CTI Groups:

  • a ctig id:xx [par:value] : adds a new CTI Group;

  • s ctig id:xx [par:value] : sets a CTI Group;

  • c ctig id:xx : clears a CTI Group;

  • d ctig : displays the CTI Group table.

The d ctig ? command shows all available parameters.

Here is an example: the G1 group contains the BRI ports (CTIP:31 and CTIP:32) towards PBX, the G2 group contains the BRI ports towards ISDN lines (CTIP:33 and CTIP:34).

[12:38:19] ABILIS_CPX:a ctig id:1 p1:31 p2:32 descr:to_PBX


[12:38:19] ABILIS_CPX:a ctig id:2 p1:33 p2:34 descr:to_ISDN_line


[12:38:19] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig

    S: R:                 MC: P:  |P1       P2       P3       P4       P5       ...
                                  |...      P62      P63      P64
    [Px:         CDO:  CGO:  SDO:  SGO:  RGO:  SP:  CODERS:  DJ:  MJ:  T301:      ]
0   [Iax/Sip/Disa/Vo group (Read Only)]
    R  ST                 MAX NO  |Iax      Sip      Disa     Vo       .        
1   [to_PBX]
    R  ST                 MAX NO  |31       32       .        .        .        
2   [to_ISDN_line]
    R  ST                 MAX NO  |33       34       .        .        .        

The special group G0 is read only and it includes the resources Disa, Sip, Iax, Vo.

Meaning of the most important parameters:


It establishes the algorithm with which the ports listed in the group are scanned. The available values are:

  • R: stands for “Round-Robin” algorithm and it indicates that the scanning of the ports occurs in a circular manner, ensuring that all of them are evenly utilized;

  • P: stands for “Priority” algorithm and it's used to indicate that the ports are scanned starting from the first to the last;

  • M: stands for “Multicasting” algorithm and it's used to indicate that all the port are alerted simultaneously.


It establishes the rule with which the CTI router will try the connection on the next port listed in the group, in the case that the connection on the previous port fails. The available values are:

  • ST: the next port is used only for following codes: “internal causes” (i.e. those with location=0xFF), “0x92 no user responding”, “all causes in classes 02, 05, 06” (0xA2-0xAF, 0xC1-0xCF, 0xD1-0xDF);

  • IN: the next port is used only for internal causes (i.e. those with location=0xFF);

  • UN: the next port is always evaluated if the previous one fails;

  • EU: at this moment it works like UN.

  • The name of an ICAUSE/RU/MR list between single quotes (E.g.: EU or 'my_list').


Interesting chapter: Chapter 85, Disconnection codes.


Maximal number of simultaneous calls [1..255, MAX]


Enables/disables the group for call pickup; generally used for POTS ports.


Input/output port/group/cluster [# or NONE, 1..600, Iax, Sip, Disa, Vo, Vm, Mix, G0..G32, PBX, cluster name or EC/RU/MR list name between single quotes] The cluster name must correspond to an existing CTI cluster. The list name must correspond to an existing EC/RU/MR list.

For every resource in the group it's possible to rewrite a series of call related parameters that actually REPLACE the corresponding fields in the routing: CDO, CGO, SDO, SGO, RGO, SP, CODERS, DJ, MJ, T301:

Special consideration for SP, CODERS, DJ, MJ:

  • When the group is used in POI, SR, GI they replace SP, CODERS, DJ, MJ.

  • When the group is used in OUT they replace SPOUT, CODERSOUT, DJOUT, MJOUT.

Each resource has a set of parameters that CAN replace corresponding fields of the routing:

  • If the parameter is <blank> the routing parameter is used.

  • If the parameter isn't <blank> the group parameter REPLACES the routing one.


Changes made on the CTI Groups aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir. POTS and CTI Group

A special group, called PBX, exists for POTS cards. See the relative section in the paragraphs below to understand how to use it.

The most important features which the CTI Group allows on CTI POTS ports are:

  • MULTICASTING: allows simultaneously alert to more CTI POTS ports;

  • PICK-UP: allows answering an incoming call on a phone, from another one connected to the same POTS card.

The configuration of these two features is made on CTI Group (as shown above).

[12:16:29] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig

    S: R:                 MC: P:  |P1       P2       P3       P4       P5       ...
                                  |...      P62      P63      P64
    [Px:         CDO:  CGO:  SDO:  SGO:  RGO:  SP:  CODERS:  DJ:  MJ:  T301:      ]
0   [Iax/Sip/Disa/Vo group (Read Only)]
    R  ST                 MAX NO  |Iax      Sip      Disa     Vo       .        
1   M  ST                 MAX YES |101      102      103      104      .        

The special group G0 is read only and it includes the resources Disa, Sip, Iax, Vo.

In a CTI Group, add the ports which must be alerted simultaneously and set the scanning method parameter SCAN:M, to activate Multicasting.

In a CTI Group add the ports which must support this service and set the Pick-Up parameter P:YES to activate Pick-up.

There are two methods for using the Pick-Up:

  • Generic call Pick-Up: allows the Pick-Up of the incoming call on all phones connected to the CTI ports that belong to the CTI group; if more than one call is coming in, the oldest one will be picked-up. The operation is:

    • Pick-up the telephone handset;

    • Dial “* 0” (asterisk then zero).

  • Specific call Pick-Up: allows the pick-up of a specific incoming call on a specific phone connected to the CTI ports that belong to the CTI group. The operation is:

    • Pick-up the telephone handset;

    • Dial “* 1+NUM” (asterisk, then one, then the value of the parameter NUM assigned to the corresponding CTI POTS port, i.e. *104).


Changes made on the CTI Groups aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir.

47.3.2. Heterogeneous group

The CTIG now allows to use heterogeneous resources inside the group and another group too (group of groups allowed).

Any of ISDN, CTIP, VPOTS, CELL, Sip, Iax, Disa, Vo, Vm, Mix, Cluster, Cluster list (EC/RU/MR), another group (Gx), can be configured inside a group.

Use the following commands to manage the CTI Groups:

  • a ctig id:xx [par:value] : adds a new CTI Group;

  • s ctig id:xx [par:value] : sets a CTI Group;

  • c ctig id:xx : clears a CTI Group;

  • d ctig : displays the CTI Group table.

The d ctig ? command shows all available parameters.

Below are shown examples of heterogeneous group.

[12:16:29] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig

    S: R:                 MC: P:  |P1       P2       P3       P4       P5       ...
                                  |...      P62      P63      P64
    [Px:         CDO:  CGO:  SDO:  SGO:  RGO:  SP:  CODERS:  DJ:  MJ:  T301:      ]
0   [Iax/Sip/Disa/Vo group (Read Only)]
    R  ST                 MAX NO  |Iax      Sip      Disa     Vo       .        
1   R  'listname'         10  YES |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
                                  |Disa     Vo 
2   [Etherogeneous group]
    M  ST                 MAX YES |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
                                  |Disa     Vo       130      Tk8      Sip
                                  |Vm       Mix      
    - Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    P2:103       CDO:* 
    P3:Antek     CDO:ux12345678901234567890  SDO:abcdefghijklmnopqrst  SP:64000
                 CODERS:G.711,Spirit,G.729,G.723.1  DJ:100  MJ:250 
    P4:102       CDO:'CDI.S2'  SDO:leo  SP:64000 CODERS:G.711  
    P9:Tk8       SDO:Tom  SP:6400  T301:30 
3   [Etherogeneous group]
    M  ST                 MAX YES |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
                                  |Disa     Vo       130      Tk8      Sip 
                                  |Vm       105      106      110
4   [Group of Groups]
    R  'listname'         MAX YES |G1       G2       G3       PBX      .        
5   R  ST                 4   YES |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
    - Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    P2:103       CDO:ux123456789 
    P3:Antek     CDO:ux12345678901234567890  SDO:abcdefghijklmnopqrst SP:64000
                 CODERS:G.711,Spirit,G.729,G.723.1  DJ:100  MJ:250  T301:60  

The special group G0 is read only and it includes the resources Disa, Sip, Iax, Vo.


Changes made on the CTI Groups aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir.

When the group is used in the POI field in the CTI routing, the positions in the group containing cluster are ignored. If the group is configured in the SR field, the only positions in the group containg cluster are used. When the group is configured in the GI, any position in the group is suitable for match.

For every resource in the group it's possible to rewrite a series of call related parameters that actually REPLACE the corresponding fields in the routing: CDO, CGO, SDO, SGO, RGO, SP, CODERS, DJ, MJ, T301:

Special consideration for SP, CODERS, DJ, MJ:

  • When the group is used inPOI, SR, GI they replace SP, CODERS, DJ, MJ.

  • When the group is used in OUT they replace SPOUT, CODERSOUT, DJOUT, MJOUT.

Each resource has a set of parameters that CAN replace corresponding fields of the routing:

  • If the parameter is <blank> the routing parameter is used.

  • If the parameter isn't <blank> the group parameter REPLACES the routing one.