59.2. CTI preferences administration through CP

CTI preferences are administrable both via web interface or via CP. The best choice is to use the web interface, but if you have to manage Abilis remotely via Telnet or SSH you need to know how to use the CP.

Use the following commands to administrate user CTI preferences:


[12:54:23] ABILIS_CPX:d pref user:test

Parameter:          | Value:
USER:                 test
ID:                   8                                             <Read Only>
LAST-CHANGE:          10/08/2015 07:46:42 CET                       <Read Only>
PWD:                  ***
- CTIP not active --
- CLUS not active --
- IAX not active ---
SIP-CLIP:             TRANSP
SIP-ACTION:           ADVANCED (No rules)
SIP-CF-TOUT:          15
SIP-CF-DLY:           10
SIP-CF-CDO:           #
SIP-CF-CGO:           *
SIP-VM:               NO
SIP-VM-TOUT:          15
SIP-PC-OFFER:         4
SIP-MAIL-FWD:         NO
- VO not active ----
VM-RCPT-LIST:         #
VM-OGM-MSG:           Message
VM-END-MSG:           SYS
MAIL-BODY:            SYS
CTI-TRFA:             NO
ON-DEMAND-VR:         NO

The following command shows the meaning of parameters:

[12:54:23] ABILIS_CPX:d pref user:test ?

D PREF USER:val [<section>]   Display Users preferences table's entries
                              By default only preferences of active services
                              are displayed. Use 'ALL' to see all preferences.

USER:name     User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
USER:A        All entries of the Users preferences table
USER:ALL      All entries of the Users preferences table

<section>     Select the service to be displayed between             <Optional>
              [CTIP, CLUS, IAX, SIP, VO, VM, MAIL, LOG, TRFA,
              CALLTRY, TON, VR, OPC, ALL]
              Use 'ALL' to see all preferences.

User's preferences:

ID:        Internal user identifier                                 <Read Only>
LAST-CHANGE: Last time at witch the entry has been updated          <Read Only>
PWD:       User password. From 0 up to 32 ASCII printable characters.
           Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.
---------- Ctip ---------------------------------------------------------------
CTIP-CLIP: CTIP interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
           ALLOWED, TRANSP]
CTIP-CF-RULE: CTIP interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
           FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
           ',' character.
                  <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CTIP-CF-TOUT: CTIP interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
                  <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CTIP-CF-DLY: CTIP interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
           [0..180 sec.]
                               <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
CTIP-CF-FORK-TYPE: CTIP interface, call forward: type of the 'FORK' rule
           [STD, TWIN]
                               <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
CTIP-CF-CDO: CTIP interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
           20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CTIP-CF-CGO: CTIP interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
CTIP-VM:   CTIP interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
CTIP-VM-RULE: CTIP interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
           Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
CTIP-VM-TOUT: CTIP interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
CTIP-PC-OFFER: CTIP interface, Precedence Call Priority Level used when
           generating a Precedence Call toward CTIR [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
CTIP-PC-ACCEPT: CTIP interface, Precedence Call Priority Level to be checked
           for Precedence Call acceptance: the PC is accepted only if the
           priority is higher (lower value) than currently active call [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
CTIP-CALL-WAITING: Enable/disable Call Waiting [NO, YES] (POTS only).
CTIP-MAIL-FAIL: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           fails [NO, YES]
CTIP-MAIL-FWD: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           is forwarded [NO, YES]
CTIP-MAIL-SEIZED: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to
           the user is seized [NO, YES]
---------- Clus ---------------------------------------------------------------
CLUS-CLIP: CLUS interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
           ALLOWED, TRANSP]
CLUS-CF-RULE: CLUS interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
           FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
           ',' character.
                  <Read Only for CLUS-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CLUS-CF-TOUT: CLUS interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
                  <Read Only for CLUS-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CLUS-CF-DLY: CLUS interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
           [0..180 sec.]
                               <Read Only for CLUS-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
CLUS-CF-FORK-TYPE: CLUS interface, call forward: type of the 'FORK' rule
           [STD, TWIN]
                               <Read Only for CLUS-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
CLUS-CF-CDO: CLUS interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
           20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CLUS-CF-CGO: CLUS interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
CLUS-VM:   CLUS interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
CLUS-VM-RULE: CLUS interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
           Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
CLUS-VM-TOUT: CLUS interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
CLUS-MAIL-FAIL: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           fails [NO, YES]
CLUS-MAIL-FWD: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           is forwarded [NO, YES]
CLUS-MAIL-SEIZED: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to
           the user is seized [NO, YES]
---------- Iax ----------------------------------------------------------------
IAX-CLIP:  IAX interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
           ALLOWED, TRANSP]
IAX-CF-RULE: IAX interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
           FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
           ',' character.
                   <Read Only for IAX-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
IAX-CF-TOUT: IAX interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
                   <Read Only for IAX-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
IAX-CF-DLY: IAX interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
           [0..180 sec.]
                                <Read Only for IAX-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
IAX-CF-FORK-TYPE: IAX interface, call forward: type of the 'FORK' rule
           [STD, TWIN]
                                <Read Only for IAX-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
IAX-CF-CDO: IAX interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
           20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
IAX-CF-CGO: IAX interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
IAX-VM:    IAX interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
IAX-VM-RULE: IAX interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
           Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
IAX-VM-TOUT: IAX interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
IAX-PC-OFFER: IAX interface, Precedence Call Priority Level used when
           generating a Precedence Call toward CTIR [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
IAX-MAIL-FAIL: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           fails [NO, YES]
IAX-MAIL-FWD: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           is forwarded [NO, YES]
IAX-MAIL-SEIZED: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to
           the user is seized [NO, YES]
---------- Sip ----------------------------------------------------------------
SIP-CLIP:  SIP interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
           ALLOWED, TRANSP]
SIP-CF-RULE: SIP interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
           FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
           ',' character.
                   <Read Only for SIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
SIP-CF-TOUT: SIP interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
                   <Read Only for SIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
SIP-CF-DLY: SIP interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
           [0..180 sec.]
                                <Read Only for SIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
SIP-CF-FORK-TYPE: SIP interface, call forward: type of the 'FORK' rule
           [STD, TWIN]
                                <Read Only for SIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
SIP-CF-CDO: SIP interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
           20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
SIP-CF-CGO: SIP interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
SIP-VM:    SIP interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
SIP-VM-RULE: SIP interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
           Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
SIP-VM-TOUT: SIP interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
SIP-PC-OFFER: SIP interface, Precedence Call Priority Level used when
           generating a Precedence Call toward CTIR [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
SIP-MAIL-FAIL: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           fails [NO, YES]
SIP-MAIL-FWD: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           is forwarded [NO, YES]
SIP-MAIL-SEIZED: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to
           the user is seized [NO, YES]
---------- Vo (Virtual Office) ------------------------------------------------
VO-CLIP:   VO interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
           ALLOWED, TRANSP]
VO-CF-RULE: VO interface, call forward rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
           FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
           ',' character.
                    <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
VO-CF-TOUT: VO interface, call forward time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
                    <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
VO-CF-DLY: VO interface, call forward delay for the 'FORK' rule [0..180 sec.]
                                 <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
VO-CF-FORK-TYPE: VO interface, call forward type of the 'FORK' rule [STD, TWIN]
                                 <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
VO-CF-CDO: VO interface, call forward output called number. From 1 up to 20
           digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
VO-CF-CGO: VO interface, call forward output calling number [*, USER]
VO-VM:     VO interface, voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
VO-VM-RULE: VO interface, voice mail rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
           Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
VO-VM-TOUT: VO interface, voice mail time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
VO-PC-OFFER: VO interface, Precedence Call Priority Level used when generating
           a Precedence Call toward CTIR [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
VO-PC-ACCEPT: VO interface, Precedence Call Priority Level to be checked for
           Precedence Call acceptance: the PC is accepted only if the priority
           is higher (lower value) than currently active call [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
VO-CALL-WAITING: VO interface, enable/disable Call Waiting [NO, YES]
VO-CUR-NET-NUM: VO interface, NET number currently in use.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
VO-CUR-USER-NUM: VO interface, USER number currently in use.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
VO-CONTACT: VO interface, rule of contact [CUR, SEQ, FORK]
           CUR: the VO calls the 'VO-CUR-USER-NUM' number;
           SEQ: the VO calls simultaneously the sequence of numbers specified
                in 'VO-CONTACT-NUM1'..'VO-CONTACT-NUM3';
           FORK: the VO calls simultaneously both 'VO-CONTACT-NUM1' and
                 'VO-CONTACT-NUM2'. The third choice number is ignored.
VO-CONTACT-NUM1: VO interface, first choice number in case of VO-CONTACT:SEQ
           and VO-CONTACT:FORK.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
           From 1 up to 20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
           or "#".
VO-CONTACT-NUM2: VO interface, second choice number in case of VO-CONTACT:SEQ
           and VO-CONTACT:FORK.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
           From 1 up to 20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
           or "#".
VO-CONTACT-NUM3: VO interface, third choice number (ignored in case of
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
           From 1 up to 20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
           or "#".
VO-CONTACT-SEQ-TOUT: VO interface, maximal time to wait prior to contact
           the next number when VO-CONTACT:SEQUENCE [10..180 sec]
VO-CONTACT-FORK-TOUT: VO interface, time to wait prior to start the forked
           call when VO-CONTACT:FORK [0..180 sec]
VO-TRACKING: VO interface, enable/disable tracking [NO, YES]
VO-AP-VOIP: VO interface, globally enable/disable VoIP calls, incoming and
           outgoing [NO, YES]
VO-AP-VOIP-CONTACT: VO interface, use Abilisphone VoIP channel to reach the
           user, if available [NO, YES]
VO-AP-VOIP-CODERS: VO interface, VoIP coders [SYS, NONE or G.711, Spirit,
           G.729A, G.711A, G.711u]. Values can be joined using "," operator.
           The position in the list defines the preference order.
           The right-most value is the one with the lowest preference.
VO-AP-CELL: VO interface, globally enable/disable CELL calls, incoming and
           outgoing [NO, YES]
VO-AP-PS:  VO interface, enable/disable PostSelection [NO, YES]
VO-AP-PS-SHORT: VO interface, enable/disable PostSelection short delay
           [NO, YES]
VO-AP-PS-DATA: VO interface, enable/disable fast PostSelection [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CB:  VO interface, enable/disable Callback [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CB-BLIND: VO interface, enable/disable blind Callback [NO, YES]
VO-AP-DATA-MOBILE: VO interface, enable/disable data over mobile [NO, YES]
VO-AP-WIFI: VO interface, enable/disable WiFi [NO, YES]
VO-AP-SOS-CALLS: VO interface, enable/disable emergency calls [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CHAT: VO interface, enable/disable the user to CHAT [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CHAT-TLS: VO interface, CHAT server requires tls [SYS, NO, YES]
VO-AP-CHAT-ROSTER: VO interface, allow to hide/show offline contacts [ALL,
VO-AP-CHAT-CHECK: VO interface, interval to force CHAT message download [SYS,
           0..240 min]
VO-AP-BOOT: VO interface, enable/disable Start-At-Boot-Time [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CALL-MODE: VO interface, call mode [AUTO, MANUAL]
VO-AP-ADDRBOOK-SRC: VO interface, used address book [ENFORCE-PHONE, CTISYS,
            PHONE, BOTH]:
           - ENFORCE-PHONE: disable access to CtiSys address book, allowed to
                            administrator only. If set the Abilisphone user
                            cannot set 'CTISYS' or 'BOTH' values.
           - CTISYS: use CtiSys address book.
           - PHONE: use phone local address book.
           - BOTH: use both CtiSys and phone local address books.
VO-AP-ENC: VO interface, enable/disable encryption [NO, YES]
VO-MAIL-FAIL: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           fails [NO, YES]
VO-MAIL-FWD: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
           is forwarded [NO, YES]
VO-MAIL-SEIZED: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to
           the user is seized [NO, YES]
---------- Vm -----------------------------------------------------------------
VM-RCPT-LIST: IN2T list used to select Voice Mail recipient(s) on the base
           of called numbers [#, ListName]
VM-RCPT:   Default Voice Mail recipient(s).
           From 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not
           allowed. Case is preserved.
VM-OGM-MSG: Name of the file holding the Outgoing Message.
           - "#" : Do not play any message.
           - "SYS" : Use the CtiVm 'OGM-MSG' parameter value.
           - From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written
             between quotation marks (E.g.: "My message").
VM-END-MSG: Name of the file holding the End Message.
           - "#" : Do not play any message.
           - "SYS" : Use the CtiVm 'END-MSG' parameter value.
           - From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written
             between quotation marks (E.g.: "My message").
---------- Mail ---------------------------------------------------------------
MAIL-RCPT-LIST: IN2T list used to select recipients for e-mail on call
           failure/forward/seized on the base of called numbers [#, ListName]
MAIL-DFT-RCPT: Default recipient(s) for email on call failure/forward/seized.
           From 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not
           allowed. Case is preserved.
---------- CTI Calls Log ------------------------------------------------------
CTI-CALLS-LOG:     Enable/disable CTI calls logging [NO, YES]
CTI-CALLS-LOG-IN:  Number of calls to be logged in incoming calls log file
CTI-CALLS-LOG-OUT: Number of calls to be logged in outgoing calls log file
---------- CTI TRFA -----------------------------------------------------------
CTI-TRFA:  Enable/disable CTI traffic analysis [NO, YES]
---------- CallTry ------------------------------------------------------------
CALLTRY-TOUT: CallTry, timeout [SYS, 30..600 sec]
CALLTRY-NRTY: CallTry, number of retry [SYS, 1..30]
---------- TON to PREFIX ------------------------------------------------------
TON-TO-PREFIX: Convert TON to the corresponding PREFIX in notification mails,
           call logs, operator panel control (OPC) [SYS, NO, YES]
---------- Vr -----------------------------------------------------------------
ON-DEMAND-VR: On-demand recording activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
ON-DEMAND-VR-RCPT: Default email recipient(s) for On-demand recording.
           From 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not
           allowed. Case is preserved.
---------- Opc ----------------------------------------------------------------
OPC-MAIN-INTERFACE: Set the main interface for the OPC panel [CTIP, SIP, CLUS,
            IAX, VO, NONE]