31.13. OSPF diagnostics and statistics

31.13.1. OSPF diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the OSPF resource:

[16:40:22] ABILIS_CPX:d d ospf

RES:Ospf ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:READY    ID:0        ITF:18  AREA:5    RANGE:3  HOST:2    NEI:7   
       OSPF ROUTINGS TABLE Diagnostics
       LSA ARRAY  |NORMAL     |1          |10         |12         |1000       |
       ROUTE TABLE|NORMAL     |0          |3          |3          |500        |
       INTERFACE Diagnostics
       -Itf-|--IP Address---|----AREA ID----|------TYPE-------|-----STATE-----|
        1   |||NonBroadcast     |DR-OTHER       |
        15  |||PointToPoint     |POINT-TO-POINT |
        125 |||PointToPoint     |POINT-TO-POINT |

The meaning:


The current state of the OSPF resource:

  • DOWN - The configuration parameter ACT is set to YES but the driver is not connected to the IPRTR.

  • INACTIVE - The driver is "ready" to work, but inactive (configuration parameter ACT:NO).

  • READY - The driver is fully ready to work.


Indicates the configured OSPF ROUTER-ID into hexadecimal format.


The number of IP interfaces configured (it counts also those interfaces that don't have RP:OSPF set).


The number of areas configured.


The number of ranges configured.


The number of hosts configured.


The maximum number of neighbours configurable by the user.


The number of hosts configured.


Indicates the state of the LSA table, depending on the number of routings present into the table.

Possible LSA table states are:

  • NORMAL - routings used are less than 60%.

  • WARNING - routings used went over 60%. A DANGER_IN message will be written in the system LOG. To go back to NORMAL, routings must decrease to 55%.

  • DANGER - routings used went over 80%. To go back to WARNING, routings must decrease to 75%. A DANGER_OUT message will be written in the system LOG.

  • OVERFLOW - routings used reached 100%. An OVERFLOW message will be written in the system LOG.

LSA ARRAY Current%

Indicates the current PERCENTAGE of routings present into LSA table.


Indicates the current NUMBER of routings present into LSA table.


Indicates the maximum number of routings reached from start-up into LSA table.


This information indicates the max-lsa parameter present into OSPF resource.


Indicates the state of the routing table, depending on the number of routings present into the table.

Possible routing table states are:

  • NORMAL - routings used are less than 60%.

  • WARNING - routings used went over 60%. A DANGER_IN message will be written in the system LOG. To go back to NORMALormal, routings must decrease to 55%.

  • DANGER - routings used went over 80%. To go back to WARNING, routings must decrease to 75%. A DANGER_OUT message will be written in the system LOG.

  • OVERFLOW - routings used reached 100%. An OVERFLOW message will be written in the system LOG.


Indicates the current PERCENTAGE of routings present into the routing table.


Indicates the current NUMBER of routings present into the routing table.


Indicates the maximum number of routings reached from start-up into the table.


This information indicates the max-routes parameter present into OSPF resource.


Index referred to specific interface. All the following statistics/diagnostics information refers to that interface.

IP Address

This information shows the IP address configured into specific IP interface.


Indicates which area value is set for the specified interface.


Type of network which this interface is connected.


State of the interface:

  • Down - This is the initial interface state.

  • Loopback - In this state, the router's interface to the network is looped back.

  • Waiting - In this state, the router is trying to determine the identity of the (Backup) Designated Router for the network.

  • Point-to-point - In this state, the interface is operational, and connects either to a physical point-to-point network or to a virtual link.

  • DR Other - The interface is to a multi-access network on which another router has been selected to be the Designated Router.

  • Backup - In this state, the router itself is the Backup Designated Router on the attached network.

  • DR - In this state, this router itself is the Designated Router on the attached network.

  • ERR - Interface do not work properly.

31.13.2. OSPF statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[16:40:33] ABILIS_CPX:d s ospf

RES:Ospf ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       SENT:5057        RECEIVED:0           DROPPED:0          
       - INTERFACE Statistics -------------------------------------------------
       ITF:1    CUR-NEI:0      EVENTS:1    
       FRAME      |          0|          0|LOST       |          0|           |
       HELLO      |          0|          0|DD         |          0|          0|
       LSU        |          0|          0|LSR        |          0|          0|
       LSA        |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       ITF:15   CUR-NEI:0      EVENTS:1    
       FRAME      |          0|       2529|LOST       |          0|           |
       HELLO      |          0|       2529|DD         |          0|          0|
       LSU        |          0|          0|LSR        |          0|          0|
       LSA        |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       ITF:125  CUR-NEI:0      EVENTS:1    
       FRAME      |          0|       2528|LOST       |          0|           |
       HELLO      |          0|       2528|DD         |          0|          0|
       LSU        |          0|          0|LSR        |          0|          0|
       LSA        |          0|          0|           |           |           |

These counters show the number of:

SENTThis counter is incremented every time an OSPF message is sent on an interface.
RECEIVED This counter is incremented every time an OSPF message is received from an interface.
DROPPEDThis counter is incremented every time an OSPF message is dropped.
ITFIndex referred to specific interface. All the following statistics/diagnostics information refers to that interface.
CUR-NEIThis value indicates the maximum number of configurable neighbours into the specified interface.
EVENTSThis value indicates the number of events happened into the specified interface. Each event may produce different effects, depending on the current state of the interface. Usually, event initiates changing a state of the interface.
FRAMEThe counter FRAME (INPUT) shows the number of OSPF packets received. The counter FRAME (OUTPUT) shows the number of OSPF packets sent.
HELLOThe counter HELLO (INPUT) shows the number of OSPF HELLO packets received. The counter HELLO (OUTPUT) shows the number of OSPF HELLO packets sent.
LSUThe counter LSU (INPUT) shows the number of OSPF LSU packets received. The counter LSU (OUTPUT) shows the number of OSPF LSU packets sent.
LSAThe counter LSA (INPUT) shows the number of OSPF LSA packets received. The counter LSA (OUTPUT) shows the number of OSPF LSA packets sent.
LOSTThe counter LOST (INPUT) is incremented every time the OSPF port receives a datagram whose OSPF protocol is bad or cannot be filled into queues.
DDThe counter DD (INPUT) shows the number of OSPF DD packets received. The counter DD (OUTPUT) shows the number of OSPF DD packets sent.
LSRThe counter LSR (INPUT) shows the number of OSPF LSR packets received. The counter LSR (OUTPUT) shows the number of OSPF LSR packets sent.