67.5. Messages (Chat)

67.5.1. User Interface

The chat client is very simple. Accessing it via the tab bar you get the main page.

Automatically all the users created in the XMPP server are shown, anyway you may create newer contacts.

Figure 67.8. Chat main page with contacts list

Chat main page with contacts list

Each contact shows an icon specifying the state:

  • green - connected and available

  • orange - temporary not available

  • grey - not available

Moreover keeping the finger pressed on the contact the contextual menu appears with following options:

  • Open Chat (the same to simply click on the contact)

  • Delete Chat History

  • Delete Contact

  • Rename Contact

  • Request Authorization

Pressing the menu button in the phone other options are available:

  • Connect/Disconnect (to force connection/disconnections) although normally the client automatically connects to XMPP.

  • Add Contact

  • Status (online, away, not available, do not disturb, offline), this status is not related to telephony status.

  • Multi Message (to send the same message to a list of recipients)

Clicking on a contact it is possible to chat editing messages in the editbox. Moreover the history of the discussion is saved in the SD memory.

Figure 67.9. Chat between two contacts

Chat between two contacts

If the user is not in the chat page he receives a notification in case of unread messages, even after long time the phone is not reachable.

In the tray bar appears a cloud and the number of unread messages is shown near the presence icon.

Figure 67.10. Unread message notification

Unread message notification

Moreover scrolling the tray bar you may read the last message received without putting the application in foreground.

Figure 67.11. Unread message notification

Unread message notification