71.19. How to activate the HTTP server

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

a res:http


s act res:http

Add the HTTP resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p http act:yesEnable the HTTP runtime functionalities.
 Repeat the following commands for each user that you want to enable to HTTP.
a user:httpuser pwd:httpuser http:yesAdd the user httpuser and enable it to HTTP.
a http rights path:/sys/trfa/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “IP traffic analyzer” link.
a http rights path:/sys/opc/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “Operator Panel Control” link.
a http rights path:/sys/sms/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “SMS Gateway” link.
a http rights path:/sys/cp/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “Control Port” link.
a http rights path:/sys/admin/ user:httpuser recur:noEnable the httpuser to access the “Configuration information” link.
a http rights path:/sys/admin/groups/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “Groups administration” link.
a http rights path:/sys/advuser/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “Advanced User activities” link.
a http rights path:/sys/admin/users/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “Users administration” link.
a http rights path:/sys/admin/lists/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “Lists administration” link.
a http rights path:/sys/admin/disa/ user:httpuserEnable the httpuser to access the “DISA administration” link.
save confSave the configuration.

On a working Abilis, a system restart is required to make the HTTP resource running.

71.19.1. How to activate the HTTP over SSL server

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

 Activate the HTTP server.
a res:ssl


s act res:ssl

Add the SSL resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p ssl act:yesEnable the SSL runtime functionalities.
s p http act-s:yesEnable the HTTPS runtime functionalities.
s p http sesnum-s:12Configure the number of HTTPS sessions
save confSave the configuration.

On a working Abilis, a system restart is required to make the SSL resource running.


Verify that the SSL protocol is enabled in the Users and HTTP Virtual Paths Access Rights tables.

[17:53:34] ABILIS_CPX:d user:httpuser

Parameter:     | Value:
USER:               httpuser
ALIAS:              httpuser
ID:                 4    <Read Only>
PWD:                *******
ACT:                YES
CTIP:               #
CLUS:               #
OPC-ROLE:           USER
OPC-VIEW:           *
HTTP:               YES

[15:12:54] ABILIS_CPX:d http rights

       USER:                            FILE: DIR:  RECUR: PROT:
  3 /sys/opc/
       httpuser                         r---  l---  YES    PLAIN,SSL