45.3. Easy configuration guide

This Chapter will be shown how to easily configure cameras and alarms in VS driver and how to use the web interface.


Only allowed users may access the web interface, check HTTP driver for details.

45.3.1. Configure the cameras

To add or edit a new camera, it's possible to use the classic command interface of Abilis or to connect to http://<Abilis IP>/sys/vs/settings/cameraindex.htm for a web interface (pressing the ADD button to add a new camera, or clicking on the id of an existing one to modify it).

Figure 45.1. Web interface to add a camera in Abilis CPX

Web interface to add a camera in Abilis CPX

The IP camera must have the MJPEG support.

The following information is needed:

  • IP of FQDN of the camera

  • The TCP port of camera web server (normally 80)

  • Frame width and height, i.e:

    • 320x240

    • 640x480

    • 704x480

    • 704x576

    • 720x576

    • 768x576

    • 800x600

    • 1280x800

    • 1280x1024

  • The JPEG quality (normally 50)

  • The Media URL, it's the subpath of the MJPEG video

  • The username and the password to access the camera web interface

  • If the camera is AXIS

Let's imagine the handle an AXIS camera, in such case the configuration could be (using the command interface of Abilis, but web interface may be used instead):

[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:a vs camera id:1 name:ufficio host:


[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:s vs camera id:1 media-url:/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi


[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:s vs camera id:1 enabled:yes rec-time:24 ADD-URL-PARAMS:YES


[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:s vs camera id:1 user:test pwd:secret


[16:13:14] ABILIS_CPX:d vs camera

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
ID:     |[DESCR:]
ENABLED:|NAME:             |USER:                             |PWD:
        |PORT:             |MEDIA-FORMAT:   |WIDTH:  |HEIGHT: |JPEG-Q:
0        ufficio
YES    test                               ***
         80                 MJPEG            640      480      50
         YES                24

[16:14:52] ABILIS_CPX:save conf


[16:15:52] ABILIS_CPX:init res:vs


Note that by default the camera uses the "ADD-URL-PARAMS", this is an optimization for AXIS cameras and allow Abilis to automatically add parameters in the media-url.


Don't use ADD-URL-PARAMS for non AXIS cameras, it would not work. Also set it to NO in case of troubles with AXIS camera, in such case be careful that information in Abilis and in the camera matches.

Let's configure now a non-AXIS camera. In example a Panasonic camera. Note that in this case ADD-URL-PARAMS is set to NO and eventually the parameters are manually specified in the media URL and they should match with WIDTH/HEIGHT parameters.

It's also possible to set the parameters in the web interface of the IP camera settings.

The media-URL depends on camera brand and model so access the web interface of the IP camera to understand which URL should be specified to access the video source.

[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:a vs camera id:1 name:viale host:


[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:s vs camera id:1 /nphMotionJpeg?Resolution=640x480&Quality=Standard


[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:s vs camera id:1 enabled:yes rec-time:24


[16:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:s vs camera id:1 user:admin pwd:secret


[16:13:14] ABILIS_CPX:d vs camera

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
ID:     |[DESCR:]
ENABLED:|NAME:             |USER:                             |PWD:
        |PORT:             |MEDIA-FORMAT:   |WIDTH:  |HEIGHT: |JPEG-Q:
0        ufficio
YES    test                               ***
         80                 MJPEG            640      480      50
         YES                24
1        viale
YES    admin                              ***
         80                 MJPEG            640      480      50
         NO                 24

[16:14:52] ABILIS_CPX:save conf


[16:15:52] ABILIS_CPX:init res:vs


To check if the camera is working show the diagnostics of the driver:

[16:39:56] ABILIS_CPX:d de vs

RES:Vs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:ACTIVE              CUR-CAMERAS:1           CUR-ALARMS:2
       USED-SPACE:17 (Mib)       FREE-SPACE:983 (Mib)
       ALM-EVENTS:0              ALM-IMAGES:0            TOT-IMAGES:1353
       - VS Camera diagnostics ------------------------------------------------
       ID: State     RemAdd-RemPort         Used-Space  Free-Space
                     Alm-Events             Alm-Images  Tot-Images
       0   ACTIVE     18          1
                     0                      0           1353

If the state of the camera is active the camera is correctly working, else be sure that the camera is reachable by the Abilis and check in the VS log via the command debug res:vs lsn:3.

45.3.2. Configure the alarms

Let's use the web interface at http://<Abilis IP>/sys/vs/settings/alarmindex.htm

Figure 45.2. Web interface to add alarm for camera in Abilis CPX

Web interface to add alarm for camera in Abilis CPX

Note that is possible to specify a resource:

  • None;

  • Any;

  • Specific resource (GPIO/MFIO);

  • Resource list.

The interface automatically provides only available options. Refer to Abilis CPX manual to configure GPIO/MFIO resources.

Once the resource is set, it's possible to specify the analog/digital input/output/line.

The monitor parameter specifies the event to be monitored (i.e. The trigger to ON of a digital input). The camera ID specifies the camera connected to such alarm.

Apart triggering the camera recording an alarm in VS driver may also:

  • Send a mail (SMTP driver must be properly configured) and MAIL-FROM and MAIL-RCPT parameters in VS port should specify the sender and the recipient of the alarm mail.

  • Send a SMS to SMS-CDO number specified in the VS driver.

  • Perform a callback. Using the DISA-* parameters in VS driver to match the related DISA service.

  • Turn on a digital output (i.e. Turning on a light).

Finally a table allows to specify up to 5 timer intervals in which the alarm is enabled.

To check if the alarm trigger is working show the diagnostics of the driver:

[16:39:56] ABILIS_CPX:d de vs

RES:Vs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:ACTIVE              CUR-CAMERAS:1           CUR-ALARMS:2
       USED-SPACE:17 (Mib)       FREE-SPACE:983 (Mib)
       ALM-EVENTS:0              ALM-IMAGES:0            TOT-IMAGES:1353
       - VS Camera diagnostics ------------------------------------------------
       ID: State     RemAdd-RemPort         Used-Space  Free-Space
                     Alm-Events             Alm-Images  Tot-Images
       0   ACTIVE     18          1
                     0                      0           1353

Check ALM-EVENTS and ALM-IMAGES, their value should increase if a trigger occurred. The diagnostic is available for single camera too.

In case of trouble check if resource is properly working and then check the VS driver log (debug res:vs lsn:3).