45.1. VS resource

Videosurveillance stores on additional hard disk the videos obtained from one or more IP cameras. The video is then viewable and manageable using a standard browser. It also manages alarms that in addition to record the videos can send email, SMS, as well as a phone call using DISA service.

The ABILIS can simultaneously record images from several IP cameras. The recorded frames are displayed through a web page. Since the recording device is contained inside the router, it seamlessly links to all available networks.


45.1.1. Activating the VS resource

Add the resource to the Abilis system with the following command.

[09:08:14] ABILIS_CPX:a res:vs


The VS resource may already exist in the system, but may not yet be active, and set the working directory and the storage size (in megabytes)

[09:10:00] ABILIS_CPX:s act res:vs


[09:12:00] ABILIS_CPX:s p res:vs act:yes wdir:d:\vs\ storage:1000


[15:20:51] ABILIS_CPX:save conf


[15:20:51] ABILIS_CPX:warm start

After adding or setting the VS active, or having set the working directory or the storage size you must restart the Abilis to make the resource running. Use the command save conf and restart Abilis (i.e. With warm start command)


The first time the VS is configured and Abilis rebooted the VS driver prepares the hard disk to handle the surveillance file. The VS driver will stay unavailable up this task is completed, so PLEASE WAIT the VS driver to become enable again, you can check it in the web interface or in VS diagnostics.

45.1.2. VS resource parameters

Use the command d p vs to show the parameters of the resource and use the command d p vs ? to display the meaning of the parameters.

[11:02:19] ABILIS_CPX:d p vs

RES:Vs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Video_Surveillance
       LOG:DS          ACT:YES           mxps:2048         TOS:0-N
       DT:300          storage:1000 (Mib)
       CAM-RATE:60     ALARM-RATE:20     ALARM-TIME:180    ALARM-LIFE:360
       MAIL-FROM:AUTO (vs@abilis_cpx_)
       DISA-USER:#                       DISA-PIN:#
       DISA-CDO:#                        DISA-CGO:#

Meaning of the most important parameters:


Logging functionalities activation/deactivation.


Runtime VS activation/deactivation.


Maximum size of TCP message [2048..4096]


Type Of Service octet or Differentiated Services Field (DS): -' p-t', i.e. PRECEDENCE and TOS values, where 'p' can be [0..7] and 't' can be [N=None, D=Min. Delay, T=Max. Throughput, R=Max. Reliability, C=Min. Monetary Cost] - 'bbbbbb', i.e. DS value bit by bit, where 'b' can be [0, 1]


Inactivity time-out [30..3600 sec.]


Size of the storage for the whole video-surveillance


Rate at which the camera downloads the images from the camera during normal working (frames per hour) [1..3600]


Rate at which the camera downloads the images from the camera during an alarm (in frames per second) [1..30]


The amount of time to keep high frequency recording after an alarm event [1..3600 sec.]


The amount of time an alarm is kept is memory before being deleted [NOMAX, 1..10000 hour]


Action to be executed in case of error [MAIL, SMS, DISA-CB] Values can be joined using "," operator.


Filtering interval for alarms notifications [NO, 1..60 min]


Sender of alarm e-mail. "SYS" or "AUTO" or a valid e-mail address. - SYS: the mail sender configured in CXGEN 'MAIL-SENDER' is used; - AUTO: a fixed value is used (e.g. vs@<cp-prompt>); - e-mail address: from 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.


External or internal alarms e-mail recipient(s). From 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.


Outgoing called number for SMS. "#" or up to 20 digits optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or the name of an IN list between single quotes (e.g. 'mylist')


Name of an existing CtiDisa user for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 16 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved.


User Personal Identification Number for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 12 digits ['0'..'9'].


Name of an existing CtiDisa service for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 16 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved.


Outgoing called number for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 20 digits optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.


Outgoing calling number for DISA CallBack. "#" or up to 20 digits optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.


Working directory where the VS files are stored. Physical full path in DOS notation, i.e. starting with a drive letter in the range ['A'..'Z'] and ending with the '\' character. From 0 up to 128 characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "C:\My dir\").

The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:

s p vs parameter:value...


To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init res:vs; while to set act the changes made on the lowercase parameters a save conf and an Abilis restart are required (i.e. With warm start command).